what is shutter speed in camera
The main goal of shutter speed is to control the amount of light that enters the camera when an image is captured. By setting shutter speed, we can take control for how motionless or blurry an image appears.
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Shutter speeds are measured in seconds and fractions of a second, with one second being considered a "fast" shutter speed that leaves less time for any blur from movement in the images; while 1/2 or 1/4 will be slower because they allow more time for movement before they are captured
##Developing content-specific writing skills
Image source: https://www.pinterest.com/
In this exercise you may have to add sentences to complete a paragraph OR you may have to create your own paragraph on a topic similar to what has been given.
General writing skills
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In this exercise you may have to respond to the following questions about the article.
Image source: https://www.tatacliq.com/
1. Describe how shutter speeds are measured by time and fractions of a second. Give examples of each type of speed.
Image source: https://paytmmall.com/
2. Explain how a fast shutter speeds allow less time for image blur, while slower shutter speeds allow more time for blur to occur.
Image source: https://www.smartprix.com/
3. Describe what type of camera you would buy with a specific purpose in mind, such as taking close-up shots or family portraits
# What is Shutter Speed in Camera
Image source: https://rtings.in/
Shutter speed is the length of time that happens between when the shutter is opened and when the picture is taken. It is measured in seconds and fractions of a second usually expressed as 1/@ or 1/8 or other fractions such as 1/2, 1/4, etc... Some cameras have +/- settings for shutter speeds like 2 seconds, 4 seconds, 6 seconds..etc
#Adjusting the Shutter Speed in Camera
Image source: https://gadgets360.com/
#Determine the speed required by your intended use. A slow shutter speed will blur any movement, while a fast shutter speed will freeze motion.
#In the camera you can adjust shutter speeds with:
1. The Shutter Button
2. The Remote Control
3. The Auto-Focus buttons and switches
Image source: https://www.snapdeal.com/
4. The timer control on the front of the camera that stops and starts recording at given times (if you don't have auto-focus)
Image source: https://www.reliancedigital.in/
5.It makes sense that the longer a shutter is open, the more light enters the camera and the brighter an image will be. However, longer shutter speeds have a negative side too: they also leave more time for shaking and movement to blur the image.
Image source: https://www.shopclues.com/
So when you choose a fast shutter speed like 1/250 or 1/1000 of a second it is important to keep as still as possible to avoid blurry pictures.
Image source: https://www.pinterest.com/
Whenever you cannot move such as with a statue, you can use that fast shutter speed setting; but when there is any chance of movement it's best to use slower settings so that there is less time for blurring to occur.
Image source: https://www.amazon.com/
Shutter speed also affects the time exposure of moving water or clouds in the sky. If you use a fast shutter speed, a picture will not show motion; but if you use slower shutter speeds, then more of the motion will be recorded.
Image source: https://www.flipkart.com/
If you are shooting at night, you can use even slower shutter speeds in combination with a wider aperture to allow more light into the camera and allow for brighter images.
Image source: https://www.smartprix.com/
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